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Voices for Tomorrow: Planned Giving with the Minnesota Boychoir

Planned giving is any major gift given, either during the donor’s lifetime or after death, as part of the donor’s overall financial and/or estate planning. Planned giving can include bequests, gifts of appreciated stock, real estate, artwork, life insurance and a retirement plan. Below are types of planned giving:



Name the Minnesota Boychoir in your will and send us a notice to help us guide your gift.

How does it work? Donors name the Boychoir in their will and designate a gift to be made from their estate after their death. Even an individual with a small estate can arrange to leave a charitable bequest to a favorite cause, which can sometimes create tax savings for the heirs.

You may leave a bequest to the choir in several different ways: set aside a specific dollar amount, designate a specified percentage of the estate, or leave any remaining assets after family has been provided for.    

Next step – Easily incorporate giving to the Boychoir into your estate plan by adding this statement to your will or trust: “I give to the Minnesota Boychoir, a Minnesota nonprofit organization located in St. Paul, Minnesota, [ ____% of my residuary estate / the sum of $_____ ] to be used [where the need is greatest / for the following purpose _________].”



Name the Minnesota Boychoir as a beneficiary of your insurance or retirement assets.

How does it work? Donors may designate the Boychoir as the beneficiary of their life insurance policy or retirement plan (401(k), IRA, 403(b)). The choir will receive the specified assets upon the donor's death and, depending on the circumstances, this may provide a tax benefit to the donor's heirs. As with bequests, donors enjoy the flexibility to change their mind during their lifetime about making this gift.

Next step – contact the administrator of your retirement plan or IRA and designate the Minnesota Boychoir as a beneficiary.



A gift to the Minnesota Boychoir that offers a tax advantage to you, the donor.

 How does it work? A donor may make a gift of stock that has appreciated in value directly to the Boychoir and avoid paying capital gains taxes. For example, the donor may gift some stock she paid $1000 for, which is now worth $25,000. Rather than paying capital gains taxes on the $24,000 of profit, she is able to make a $25,000 gift to the charity - which only cost her $1000 -and pay no additional taxes.

Other ways to support the Minnesota Boychoir

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